Monday, March 11, 2013

Getting Back with the Program

It's been a long long while since I've done a weight loss post or even posted a healthy recipe.  I've neglected those sections of this blog as much as I've neglected the reason for them.  It was about this time 2 years ago when I started looking into a low carb lifestyle after months of struggling with low fat and counting calories after I gave birth to my daughter.  That wasn't working, and I needed to find something that did.

Between April and September that year I lost 23 pounds cutting carbs and working out, putting me 2 pounds shy of my goal weight when we got married on September 10, 2011.  As of today, I've put all but 3 of those pounds back on.  Eeek!  It's time to start getting serious again and to make changes that allow me to reach my goal and stay there!

I can't believe I'm posting this picture, but I am proud of it.  That is me just days before our beach wedding at my lowest weight.  I might have to print this out and put it on the fridge.  It took a lot of work to get to where I was then, but I did it once so I know I can do it again!

I weighed in this morning, and I plan to do so every Monday morning.  I'll be posting a result here on the blog, but not an actual number in pounds.  We'll consider this week my starting point.  It's not really about the number, just the progress and my health!  I plan to dive back into low carb, slowly at first as I relearn what my best meal and snack options are and eventually restart Atkins.

I also plan to be more active.  My treadmill had set unused for far too long until yesterday.  It didn't get much of a workout yesterday either due to frequent interruptions.  I need to address those before I get started, not while I'm running.  But I don't plan on letting it get dusty again!  The hike through the woods we had yesterday is also something I hope to repeat often!  I know the views there are only going to get better and spring and summer come to life!  I'll probably also schedule a date with Jillian Michaels (on DVD of course)!

These posts will become my accountability.  Every Monday I want to have something positive to report.  I think it would provide additional motivation to me and hopefully others as well.  Summer is right around the corner, and I want to be happy about how I look and feel in a swimsuit or even a tank top!  So let's get moving!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Casey! I know how hard it can be. I lost 50 pounds through Weight Watchers, and have gained about half of it back. So I need to work to get back down to a good fighting weight as well:) Let me know how it's going!
