
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Word Up! It's Dictionary Day!

Today, October 16, is National Dictionary Day.  It's the birthday of Noah Webster (And coincidentally several other people I know!  It is a very popular day to be born).  Dictionary Day is a day to celebrate language, learn new words, or teach others a new word or two.


Here's an excellent post on Squidoo that has compiled a mass of information about Dictionary Day, the history of the dictionary, as well as activities for all ages to celebrate this special day.  I remember playing  the Dictionary Game when I was in school.  I always enjoyed that one.  I also like the idea of the dictionary race, but our little ones are too little for those games.  

When trying to decide what activities I did want to do with the little ones for Dictionary Day, I first realized we don't actually have a dictionary!  In this day and age of technology with computers and smart phones, I realized Google had become my dictionary!  That's something we'll definitely have to rectify, so perhaps a good way to celebrate today is to go buy our own dictionary.


Don't want to have a physical dictionary?  No problem.  Check out this post for links to free online dictionary resources  for everyone!

We are making a trip to the local library today to look for different kinds of dictionaries, learn some new words, and enjoy our language!  How do you plan on celebrating Dictionary Day?

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