
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Mister Seahorse Craft

Who doesn't love an Eric Carle book?  We love every one we read.  We finally picked up Mister Seahorse at the library last week, and of course had to make a seahorse after reading the book.

I have yet to fix our broken printer so instead of printing out a seahorse template, I simply traced the seahorse on the cover of the book.  Then I outlined it with black marker so the seahorse really stood out.

Then we cut brightly colored tissue paper into small squares.  The kids used watered down Elmer's glue to paint the tissue paper onto the seahorse.  The colors overlapping and blending together really make the seahorses look neat (and just like images in the book).  They glued on a googly eye once they were dry.

Such a simple craft, but they really turned out neat!


  1. Hi! I loved the seahorse craft and I featured you on my "Summer & ocean crafts with different textures" post! Come by and see it here:
    Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks Maro! Great roundup of crafts there! I think I'm going to try the colorful jellyfish one with my kids!
